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1. i cannot fly, . . cannot i? am i? can i? am not i? 2. . juice in the bottle. there is a there is some there are there are some 3. we must do our homework every day, . . do we? do not we? must we? must not we? 4. my brother can draw a tiger, . . cannot he? can he? cannot she? can my brother? 5. . sugar in my tea. there is not a there is not some there are not there is not any 6. we are good are they? are not they? are we? are not we? 7. . ice-cream in my hand. there is a there is an there are some there is any 8. the children mustn’t play on the must they? must he? must not they? must not the children? 9. . cake in the fridge. there is there are there is a there are some 10. the doctor is in the hospital, . . is he? does he? isn’t he? does not he? 11. i . . my homework now. do doing does am doing 12. my parents are not old, . . are they? are not they? do they? are my parents? 13. he . . not speak english. is do isn’t does 14. nick isn’t a good sportsman, . . isn’t he? is he? does he? doesn’t he? 15. . eggs in the fridge. there are there are any there is a there is an 16. i am not a student, . . am i? are we? do i? don’t i? 17. the pupils . . sitting in the classroom. is are do will 18. . vegetables in the trolley. there are not a there is no there are not there is not any 19. the students . . reading at this moment.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1can i?                                     9there is a                          17are  2there is some                        10isn’t he?                               18there are not  3must not we                              11am doing                            19 are 4cannot he?                                   12are they? 5there is not some                        13does 6are not we?                                     14is he?   7there is an                                    15there are  8must they?                                       16am i?  

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