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Переведите на ,используя conditionals 1) я пошлю ему телеграмму, если он завтра не приедет. 2) как только я получу водительское удостоверение, я сразу же куплю машину. 3) при условии, что ты будешь есть меньше, ты не будешь такой полной. 4) мы посидим в баре, пока она ходит по магазинам. 5) я вернусь не позднее 6 часов, если меня не задержат в университете. 6) он не придёт, если его жене не станет лучше. 7) в случае, если пойдёт дождь, я останусь дома. 8) когда бы вы ни пришли ко мне, я всегда буду рад вас видеть.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) i will send him a telegram if he does not come tomorrow.2) as soon as i receive my driver's license, i will immediately buy a car.3) provided that you eat less, you will not be so full.4) we sit in the bar while she goes shopping.5) i will return no later than 6 hours, unless i am detained at the university.6) he will not come if his wife does not get better.7) in case it rains, i will stay at home.8) whenever you come to me, i will always be happy to see you.

1-many subjects were studied by the students of our university.

    many subjects will be studied by the students of our university.


2-newspapers were sold early in the morning.

    newspapers will be sold early in the morning. 3. children were taken care of.

    children will be taken care of.

4. the delegation was shown around moscow.

      the delegation will be shown around moscow. 5. urgent message were sent by e-mail.

      urgent message will be sent by e-mail.


6. exercises were checked up in class.

    exercises will be checked up in class. 7. we were taught english at the university.

    we will be taught english at the university.


8. the problem was much spoken about.

    the problem will be much spoken about.


9. mother was wanted on phone. 

    mother will be wanted on phone. 


10. grammar rules were revised by us regularly. 

      grammar rules will be revised by us regularly. 





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