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Переведите жители города зарабатывали деньги на сооружение памятника на субботниках, перечисляя часть зарплаты, сдавая металлолом, макулатуру и грибы и ягоды! весь город участвовал в претворении в жизнь благородной идеи – увековечить память защитников заполярья

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Residents of the city earned money to build a monument on subbotniks, transferring part of their salary, handing scrap metal, waste paper and mushrooms and berries! the whole city participated in the implementation of a noble idea - to perpetuate the memory of the defenders of the arctic

1. Visitors were asked to stay calm.

2. This approach is sometimes used by therapists to deal with phobias.

3. You will be asked several questions about your phobia by your doctor.

4. She is too scared to go out by herself.

5. I couldn`t deal with my fears by myself.

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