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Nowadays everybody knows that the word america means. first of all it is the name of the country - the united states of america or just america. and then america is the name of the two continents - north america and south america. these two continents, north america and south america, form the part of the world called america. christopher columbus discovered america in 1492. in forteen hundred and ninety-two columbus sailed the ocean this is the song that many children learn about christopher columbus and his journey to america. we don't know much about the man. he was born in italy, but lived in spain for a long time. he was a seaman and made many sea voyages. in 1492 the king and the queen of spain gave him money to go to india. he decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet is round. and after sailing 4000 miles - 6400 km he reached some land. columbus thought that it must be india. but it was not. it was a new land - a new continent. it was america - central america, in fact. people began to speak about the land as - the new world. false, true or don't know 1. the word america means the name of the country and the name of the two continents. 2. christopher columbus discovered the continent of america. 3. christopher columbus discovered the new continnt in 1492. 4. people know everything about this famous discoverer. 5. columbus was born in spain. 6. columbus lived all his life in italy.

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1)true 2)true 3)false 4)false 5)false 6)don't know

дорогой младший журнал,это фотография моей комнатыесть кровать, на моей кровати.есть много мячей на мое одеялои подушку. есть книжной полке.у меня есть двенадцать книг оп моей полке.четыре книги о футболе.моя одежда в моем шкафе.мой любимый стиль одежды руды мои красные шорты икрасная футболка для футбола.у меня много игрушек, но в  большой игрушечной коробке.

есть синий  ковер рядом с моей кроватью.

есть футбольные мячи на моем коврике слишкоммне нравится моя комната, и я, как футболист! до свидания! от джейми (7 лет)

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