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Make notes about other biological information you have from your parents. think about: .other parts of your body – e.g. hair colour and style .how dna works write a short report on your topic. add a diagram.use your notes from exercise 3 to help you.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Делайте заметки о другой биологической информации, которую вы имеете от своих родителей. думать о: другие части вашего тела - например, цвет волос и стиль как работает днк напишите короткий отчет по вашей теме. добавьте диаграмму. используйте свои заметки из 3, чтобы вам.

1) my family is very sporty and we like running in the morning, playing volleyball and tennis. but we all are really fond of basketball the most! basketball is our the most favorite team game. 2) my parents have always told me that sport is the part of the healthy life so that’s why, as i said erlier, we play volleyball, tennis and of course basketball and also run very often. 3) i am very active and energetic person so i prefer playing sport, but i wouldn’t mind watching it on tv. 4) i think the most popular sport in russia is football. i can’t say that i like it but if someone asks me to play with him i won’t refuse. 5) there are a lot advantages of doing sport. first of all, you’ll be healthy, strong and in a good shape. secondly, you’ll feel very active after doing it and you’ll be in a good mood very often. thirdly, this is a good past time compared with bad habits.

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