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Переведете на . однажды была маленькая обезьянка. она была добрая и умная. она сидела на дереве. злой крокодил был голодным и хотел съесть маленькую обезьянку. он подошел к дереве и сказал: -доброе утро! -доброе утро! - ответила обезьянка. -давай подружимся. я добрый. я не буду съесть тебя. -хорошо. я вижу много охотников, и они по этой дороге идут к этой дереве. -много охотников! я должен идти к речке. крокодил убежал. обезьянка оставалась на дереве и ела желтые бананы.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Once there was a little monkey. she was kind and intelligent. she was sitting on a tree. the evil crocodile was hungry and wanted to eat a small monkey. he went to a tree and said: -good morning! -good morning! answered the monkey. -let's be friends. i am kind. i will not eat you. -good. i see a lot of hunters, and they follow this road to this tree. -many hunters! i must go to the river. the crocodile escaped. the monkey remained on the tree and ate yellow bananas.

Once there was a little monkey. she was kind and intelligent. she was sitting on a tree. the evil crocodile was hungry and wanted to eat a small monkey. he went to a tree and said: -good morning! -good morning! answered the monkey. -let's be friends. i am kind. i will not eat you. -good. i see many hunters, and they follow this road to this tree. -many hunters! i must go to the river. the crocodile escaped. the monkey remained on the tree and ate yellow bananas.

1)Sorry,I always fall asleep when class is boring
2)-Why isn’t he answering?
-Maybe he is asleep
3) I saw a nightmare,where you died!
It means,that my life will be long
4) I had insomnia because of these exams
5)This bad thoughts just seep-in my head,sorry
6) I decided to take a nap,because I feel exhausted
7)Ouch! My head hurts!
I guess you just overslept
8) Why are you yawning?
Sorry,I didn’t sleep last night because of my favorite TV series

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