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Напишите 20 предложений, самые простые предложения которые вы только сможете придумать в past perfect ( язык). заранее .

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We arrived at the station at 7.30, but the train had left. – мы прибыли на вокзал в 7: 30, но поезд уже ушел. he had been a usual clerk before he became a successful businessman. – он был обычным клерком до того, как стал успешным бизнесменом. he was hungry. he hadn’t eaten for eight hours. – он был голоден. он не ел восемь часов. she couldn’t buy a new pair of shoes as she had lost her credit card. – она не могла купить новую пару туфель, потому что потеряла кредитную карту. they were moving to another country, but they hadn’t told their parents yet. – они переезжали в другую страну, но еще не сказали об этом своим родителям. i had learned english before i entered the university. – я учил до того, как поступил в университет. he didn’t want to drive that car anymore. he had driven it for 30 years. – он не хотел больше водить ту машину. он водил ее 30 лет. her speech was impressive. she had worked on it since monday. – ее речь была впечатляющей. она работала над ней с понедельника. i called jim too late, he had already left. я позвонил джиму слишком поздно, он уже ушел. we had lived in paris for 12 years before we moved to america. до переезда в америку мы прожили в париже 12 лет. had you brushed your teeth before you went to bed? ты почистил зубы, прежде чем пойти спать? how did you hope to pass the exam if you had not (hadn’t) even opened the textbook? как ты надеялся сдать экзамен, если ты до этого даже учебник не открыл? after the sun had set, we saw thousands of fireflies. после того, как зашло солнце, мы увидели тысячи светлячков. i finally caught lucky and looked around. the nasty dog had scratched the furniture, had torn the wallpapers and had eaten my lunch on the table. я наконец поймал лаки и осмотрелся вокруг. мерзкая собака исцарапала мебель, порвала обои и съела мой обед на столе. i had been in the office by 7 a.m already. я был в офисе уже к семи утра. — i had already finished my work by the time he came. я уже закончила свою работу к его приходу. — he wanted me to join the tennis club. but i had already joined the football club он хотел, чтобы я присоединилась к теннисному клубу. но я уже присоединилась к футбольному клубу. — i wanted to go to school with him. but he had already gone. я хотела пойти в школу с ним. но он уже ушел. — my parents had returned from their work by the time i came from the school. мои родители вернулись с работы к моему приходу из школы. — my grandmother had made a very delicious meal by the time we arrived. моя бабушка сделала вкусный обед к нашему приезду.

  i had been in the office by 7 a.m already. я был в офисе уже к семи утра. — i had already  finished my work by the time he came. я уже закончила свою работу к его приходу. — he wanted me to join the tennis club. but i had already  joined the football club   он хотел, чтобы я присоединилась к теннисному клубу. но я уже присоединилась к футбольному клубу. — i wanted to go to school with him. but he had already gone. я хотела пойти в школу с ним. но он уже ушел. — my parents had returned from their work by the time i came from the school. мои родители вернулись с работы к моему приходу из школы. — my grandmother had made a very delicious meal by the time we arrived. моя бабушка сделала вкусный обед к нашему приезду. had you finished your drawing by the time your teacher came? вы закончили рисунок к приходу вашего учителя? — had you seen him before the show started? ты видел его до начала вечеринки? — had she come by 6 o’clock? она пришла к шести часам? — had you come by the time the party started? вы пришли к началу вечеринки? примеры вопросительных специальных вопросов: -when had she come if you saw her? когда она пришла, если ты видел её: -where had you gone before the party finished? куда ты ушел до того, как вечеринка закончилась? -how had you found that by 8 o’clock ? как ты нашел это к восьми часам? — who had you met by the time you called me? кого ты там встретил к тому времени, как позвонил мне? примеры отрицательных предложений: — when he asked me where the book was, i said that i hadn’t even taken it. когда он спросил, где книга, я сказал, что я даже не брал её. — by the time we came, he hadn’t gone away although we were late. к нашему приходу, он ещё не ушел, хотя мы опоздали. — i hadn’t seen him for three days already. я не видел его уже три дня. — he said, he hadn’t promised to call you when i talked with him yesterday. он сказал, что  не обещал позвонить тебе, когда я говорила с ним вчера. — it turned that he hadn’t had any plan. оказалось, что у него не было никакого плана. — i hadn’t joined his club yet. я ещё не присоединилась к его клубу ещё.

Leonardo da vinci  was a celebrated italian renaissance architect, musician, inventor, engineer, sculptor and painter.he has been described as the archetype of the "renaissance man" and as a universal genius. leonardo is well known for his masterly paintings, such as the last supper and mona lisa. he is also known for his many inventions that were conceived well before their time but of which few were constructed in his lifetime. in addition, he helped advance the study of anatomy, astronomy, and civil engineering.  lifehis life was described in giorgio vasari's biography vite.leonardo was born in anchiano, near vinci, italy. he was an illegitimate child. his father ser piero da vinci was a young lawyer and his mother, caterina, was a peasant girl. it has been suggested that caterina was a middle eastern slave owned by piero, but the evidence is scant.

this was before modern naming conventions developed in europe. therefore, his full name was "leonardo di ser piero da vinci", which means "leonardo, son of piero, from vinci". leonardo himself simply signed his works "leonardo" or "io, leonardo" ("i, leonardo"). most authorities therefore refer to his works as "leonardos", not "da vincis". presumably he did not use his father's name because of his illegitimate status.leonardo grew up with his father in florence. he was a vegetarian throughout his life. he became an apprentice to painter andrea del verrocchio about 1466. later, he became an independent painter in florence.in 1476 he was anonymously accused of homosexual contact with a 17-year-old model, jacopo saltarelli, a notorious prostitute. he was charged, along with three other young men, with homosexual conduct. however, he was acquitted because of lack of evidence. for a time leonardo and the others were under the watchful eye of florence's "officers of the night" — a kind of renaissance vice squad.that leonardo was homosexual is generally accepted. his longest-running relationship was with a beautiful delinquent gian giacomo caprotti da oreno, whom he nicknamed salai (little devil), who entered his household at the age of 10. leonardo supported salai for twenty five years, and he left salai half his vineyard in his will.from 1478 to 1499 leonardo worked for ludovico sforza, duke of milan and maintained his own workshop with apprentices there. seventy tons of bronze that had been set aside for leonardo's "gran cavallo" horse statue were cast into weapons for the duke in an attempt save milan from the french under charles viii in 1495 — see also italian wars.when the french returned under louis xii in 1498, milan fell without a fight, overthrowing sforza. leonardo stayed in milan for a time, until one morning he found french archers using his life-size clay model for the "gran cavallo" for target practice. he left with his servant and assistant salai (a.k.a. gian giacomo caprotti) and his friend (and inventor of double-entry bookkeeping) luca pacioli for mantua, moving on after 2 months for venice, then moving again to florence at the end of april 1500.in florence he entered the services of cesare borgia (also called "duca valentino" and son of pope alexander vi) as a military architect and engineer. in 1506 he returned to milan, now in the hands of maximilian sforza after swiss mercenaries drove out the french.in 1507 leonardo met a 15 year old aristocrat of great personal beauty, count francesco melzi. melzi became his pupil, life companion, and heir.from 1513 to 1516 he lived in rome, where painters like raphael and michelangelo were active at the time; he did not have much contact with these artists, however.in 1515 francis i of france retook milan, and leonardo was commissioned to make a centrepiece (of a mechanical lion) for the peace talks in bologna between the french king and pope leo x, where he must have first met the king. in 1516, he entered francis' service, being given the use of the manor house clos luce next to the king's residence at the royal chateau at amboise, and receiving a generous pension. the king became a close friend.he died in cloux, france in 1519. according to his wish, 60 beggars followed his casket. he was buried in the chapel of saint-hubert in the castle of amboise.

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