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Переведите предложения, используя present perfect и past indefinite. 1. папа уже вернулся с работы? когда он пришел? 2 я получила письмо от марии. когда ты получила это письмо? 3. мы уже повторили эти правила. когда вы их повторили? 4. ты уже купила новые туфли. когда ты их купила? 5. анна и павел поженились. когда они поженились? 6. ты уже покормила собаку? когда ты ее покормила? 7. я уже была у врача - когда ты была у врача? 8. мы уже ездили на этой машине. - когда вы ездили на этой машине? 9. он уже поговорил с ней об этом? когда он поговорил с ней? 10. мистер смит уже подписал эти документы? когда он их подписал?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Father has already come back from work. when did he come? i have sent the letter from mary. when did you send this letter? we have already repeated these rules. when did you repeat them? you have already bought new shoes. when did you buy them? ann and paul have got married. when did they get married? have you already fed the dog? when did you feed it? i have already been at the doctor 's ? when were you at the doctor 's? has he already spoken to her about it? when did he speak to her? has mr. smith already signed these documents? when did he sign them? we have already driven this car. when did you drive this car?

1. he is singing now he is not singing now is he singing now? 2. i am doing my homework at the moment i am not doing my homework at the moment am i doing my homework at the moment? 3. we are playing now we are not playing now are  we playing now? 4. i am reading now i am not reading now am i reading now? 5. they are painting at the moment they are not painting at the moment are they painting at the moment?

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