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1) brian and garry are brothers. of them enjoy swimming. a. all; b. both; c. some; d. nothing. 2) какой вариант из них верный? a. it's the saddest story i have ever hear. b. it's the sad story i ever heard. c. it's story the sadder i have heard ever. d. it's the saddest story i have ever heard. help me please!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) - b. both of them enjoy swimming 2) - d. it's the saddest story i have ever heard

1. Betty doesn’t buy a juice (c)
2. The Browns were in London (b)
3. Where do you usually run? (b)
4. We haven’t many bananas (c)
5. What can you make from fish? (a)
6. Did your sisters go to school yesterday? (b)
7. Were you at school yesterday? (c)
8. Tom is playing hockey now. (c)
9. Sam’s mother is a teacher. (b)
10. This apples are nice (c)

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