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Degrees of comparison of adjectives example: hot- hotter- the hottest interesting- more interesting- the most interesting helpful, simple, happy, terrible, narrow, severe, difficult, untidy, modern, warm, low, big, tender, expensive, wise.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Helpful -  more  helpful  - the  most  helpfulsimple - simpler - the simplest  happy  - happier - the happiestterrible -  more  terrible - the  most  terriblenarrow  - narrower - the narrowestsevere  - severer - the severestdifficult -  more  difficult - the  most  difficultuntidy  - untidier - the untidiestmodern -  more modern - the  most modernwarm - warmer - the  warmestlow - lower - the    lowestbig - bigger - the    biggesttender  — more  tender  — the most  tenderexpensive -  more  expensive - the most  expensivewise  — wiser — the wisest

1) a) what documents does the secretary usually type? b) what letter is the secretary typing now? c) what paper did the secretary type two days ago? 2) a) do you make a cake every weekend? b) are you making soup now? c) did you make dinner last monday?   3) a) why doesn`t willy dance at the party? b) why isn`t willly dancing now? c) why didn`t willly dance at the party the day before yesterday?  

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