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Ответы на вопрос:

On new year's, my parents gave me a very cool gift, get on the phone! i was so excited and excited, and did not know how they could be repaid. it was wrapped in a red and white wrapping paper, with a huge bow on the top. the phone is black, with large screens, and all the pluses!

1. would you like to come and see it with me this saturday? хочешь пойти со мной и посмотреть его в субботу?

2/   i'd love to see a film - but i hate bruce   willis sorry! - я бы хотел посмотреть фильм, но я ненавижу брюса виллиса.


there is an exhibition on at the scinse museum about computers, it shows enteresting things. - 

в музее науки проходит выставка о компьютерах, там  показывают интересные вещи.


  we can go after   school,  but it closes early. - мы можем пойти туда после школы, но она закрывается рано.

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