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Today i’d like to tell you about my day. i wake up at 7 o’clock. i get up and go to the bathroom.i wash my face, clean my teeth and have a shower, if i have enough time. after that i get dressed.before leaving home i usually have breakfast.i have a sandwich and a cup of coffee. then i go to school.when my schoolday ends, i come back home. in the evening i prefer to relax at home. sometimes i watch tv or read a book. or i may surf the internet.ii am doing homework.when it’s late, i go to bed and sleep.

1. ukraine is a very polluted country. 2. most of the harm came from the early 1950s when it was recovering from ww2. 3. soviet policies of raising  industrial   and agricultural productivity with little regard to ecological considerations have had a devastating effect on the environment.  4. air pollution  is especially severe in  such industrial centres as zaporizhzhya, luhans'k, and donets'k.5. 35% of drinkable water in ukraine is polluted or poisoned while 20% of its animals are endangered.6.  the april 1986 explosion and core meltdown of a reactor at the chernobyl’ nuclear power plant in northern ukraine had an enormous impact on the region’s environment.7.    radioactive materials from the accident seeped into the ground, contaminating farmland and the water supply.  8.  the long-term impact on human health and the environment is still being assessed.9.  ukraine releases polluted water, heavy metal, organic compounds, and oil-related pollutants into the black sea.  10.    fifty years ago hardly anybody was concerned about environmental problems.11. industrial and economic development, progress and profit were more important. 12. 71% of ukraine's land is used for economic activities such as nuclear power plants and etc 13. it is time we notice the importance of our environment and stop such polluted countries from damaging the environment even more. 14. we should not allow our governments to destroy our land as well as our future, and ukraine is a great example of that. 15. (closing sentence with a thesis)

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