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Можоте . по языку . написать короткий рассказ про мульт героя

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One day uncle came to the fort his type of distant relatives. he first thought it was just the kids, but no. and he kept a lot of mysteries. for example : in the shack was potoynaya the entrance to the warehouse where he and his brother built a time machine and he soon returned it. well he is very weird and greedy, and the children dipper and mabel it’s not just children this is an amazing prikljuceni seekers, and in this family there is a goat, and a fat pig of puglia. in general all but closer acquainted with them.

Englishis an internagional language and it's been used in lots of countries. its all because of lots of british colonies. mant hundreds years ago, british people started t make colonirpes in lots of countries. for instans, in india. actually, nowday in india 2 languages, and one of the. is english. or another example. americans also use english, but their languade is changed. -международный язык и он используется во многих странах. а всё это из-за британских колоний. много сотен лет назад британцынаяали осваивать новые земли.например, индия. кстати, в индии до сих пор используется 2 языка и одрн из них-. или другой пример-америка. но американский немногоо личен от британского.

Популярно: Английский язык