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Salesgirl: good morning! what can i do for you? sarah: could you let me see that green dress? i saw it in your window and i like the style and the colour very much. salesgirl: i`m afraid, this dress will be too big for you. may i show you another dress in green? i think this one will fit you. sarah: this is another style. let me try it on in your fitting-room. i think i like it too. it is very nice. salesgirl: i see, you like the dress. it looks very fine on you. sarah: i will buy it. salesgirl: do you want anything else? sarah: could you show me that light white shirt? i would like to buy it for my son. may i bring it back tomorrow, if this shirt doesn`t fit him? salesgirl: sure, you can. it it doesn`t fit him, you can make a refund or exchange it. sarah: all right. salesgirl: would you pay cash? sarah: no, i would like to pay by my credit card. salesgirl: fine. thank you. here are your clothes. sarah: thank you, too. good bye! salesgirl: good bye! sarah: this is another style. let me try it on in your fitting-room. i think i like it too. it is very nice. salesgirl: i see, you like the dress. it looks very fine on you. sarah: i will buy it. salesgirl: do you want anything else? sarah: could you show me that light white shirt? i would like to buy it for my son. may i bring it back tomorrow, if this shirt doesn`t fit him? salesgirl: sure, you can. it it doesn`t fit him, you can make a refund or exchange it. sarah: all right. salesgirl: would you pay cash? sarah: no, i would like to pay by my credit card. salesgirl: fine. thank you. here are your clothes. sarah: thank you, too. good bye! salesgirl: good bye!

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