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Написать рассказ (5-7 предложении) на с переводом о дедушке и бабушке (5 кл.)

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Ответы на вопрос:

мои бабушка и дедушка живут в деревне. каждое лето я езжу к ним отдыхать. бабушка домохозяйка, а дедушка мастерит из дерева разные поделки и раздает детишкам всей деревни. кроме этого у бабушки и дедушки есть кукольный театр. каждые выходные они собирают всех желающих на просмотр спектакля. еще у дедушки есть трактор, который он чинит почти все время, потому что он часто ломается. я люблю бабушку и дедушку, и люблю к ним ездить.


my grandparents live in the village. every summer i go to them to relax. grandma housewife, grandpa makes wood crafts and gives kids the entire village. in addition, grandparents have a puppet theatre. every weekend they gather everyone to watch the show. even grandpa has a tractor, which he fixes almost all of the time because it breaks down a lot. i love my grandparents, and i love to ride him.

have you ever been to london?

do you know what i mean?

do you like to play volleyball?

can you give it to me?

may i come in?

does she let him go away early?

have you tried it omly once?

am i going to start now?

will you be free tomorrow?

was it easy to learnt the poem?

she didn't take the medicine.

i don't mind if you will go away.

mark wasn't apcent that day.

nancy hasn't maken the snowman yet.

my mother isn't cooking now,

he won't be able to run at the match

tom isn't ill today

they don't know that man

they haven't gone to the cinema yet.

amm won't cry anymore





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