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Birds are some of the most amazing animals on earth.  birds have wings and feathers. birds have beaks and claws. birds live in nests. birds eat fruits, grains, worms, insects etc. birds are of many kinds. they are of different sizes too. the smallest bird is humming bird. the biggest bird is the ostrich. birds are of different color too. some birds like peacock have beautiful and colorful feathers. the crow and cuckoo are black in color. while the swans and doves are white in color. some birds can fly high and some birds can swim in the water. the duck, the stork and the swan are water birds. birds like the peacock and cock cannot fly high. birds like the eagle, the vulture, the kite and the hawk can fly very high in the sky. some birds cannot fly, penguin is one such species. bird lays eggs, and hatches the young ones.

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