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Дайте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных и расшифруйте их: short, tall, large, nice, long, big, red, high, dirty, fast, easy, good, bad, few, busy, near, far, old, late, thin, thick, comfortable, interesting, difficult, narrow.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Short-shorter-shortest короткий короче самой короткий tall-taller-tallest высокий выше самый высокий large-larger-largest оргомной более огромный самый огромный nice-nicer-nicest милый long longer longest длиный big bigger biggest большой red more red the most red красный high higher highest высокий dirty dirtier dirtiest грязный fast faster fastest быстрый easy easier easiest легкий good better the best хороший bad worse worst плохой few fewer fewest мало busy busier busiest занятой near nearer nearest близкий far farther farthest дальний old older oldest старый late later latest  поздний thin thiner thinest худой thick thicker thickest толстый comfortable more comfortable the most comfortable комфортный interesting more interesting the most interesting интересный difficult more difficult the most difficult трудный narrow more narrow the most narrow узкий

2. i advise you to have a light supper; that`ll help you to lose weight. 3. the dinner they gave us yesterday was very good. 4. the supper is in fridge. warm it up. 6. what a huge breakfast! 7. thanks very much for the supper. 9. the lunch consisted of two sandwiches and cup of coffee.

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