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Подчеркните правильную форму сказуемого из данных в скобках. 1. he said that he (is staying / was staying) at the hotel “moscow”. 2. they realized that they (lost / had lost) their way in the darkness. 3. he asked me where i (study / studied). 4. i thought that i (shall finish / should finish) my work at 10. 5. he said that he (works / worked) at the farm. 6. he says that he (worked / had worked) at the collective farm 2 years ago. 7. michael said he (is / was) very busy. 8. my friend asked me who (is playing / was playing) the piano in the next room. 9. i said i (will come / would come) to the station to see him off. 10. i was sure that he (posted / had posted) the letter.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ввыражениях "он сказал (знал,   во  второй  части  предложения "настоящее"  переходит  в  "прошлое",  а  "прошлое"  в  "  паст  перфект" 1  was  staying 2  had lost 3    studied 4 should finish   5  worked 6 ha worked 7    was 8    was plaeing 9    would  come 10    had posted  7 5

1tim has had his car serviced last week 2 mrs scott will have her cat examined tomorrow 3paul is having his house painted 4 becky has her hair done every week 5 i've had my eyes tested. 6 tom should have his tap fixed

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