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1. определите время подчеркнутых глаголов-сказуемых: what are you cooking? выберите один ответ: a. the present continuous tense b. the future continuous tense c. the past continuous tense 2. определите время подчеркнутых глаголов-сказуемых: she is expecting an important phone call from england. выберите один ответ: a. the present continuous tense b. the future continuous tense c. the past continuous tense 3. определите время подчеркнутых глаголов-сказуемых: my junior brothers are always battling! выберите один ответ: a. the present continuous tense b. the past continuous tense c. the future continuous tense

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Ответы на вопрос:

Во  всех  трех  случаях present  continuous

1a 2a 3a

1. the official name of america is  united states of america. but people often call it america or u.s.a. or   sometimes just u.s wich meaning is  united states. but its all the same county. 2.there are 50 states in the united states  as of 2017.   this number excludes the federal district of washington, d.c., which is not a state. this number also does not include u.s. territories, which receive u.s. protection and social services while maintaining internal independence3. the political capital of the united states of america is the city of washington, which is located in the district of columbia4.the missouri river is the longest river in the united states at 2,341 miles long.   the mississippi river is the second longest, at 2,340 miles long.5.of course i would like to visit usa. because america is graet county. they have beautiful calture. americans are tolerant,  very hospitable and very open. i love usa.

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