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I. выберите правильную форму притяжательного местоимения. 1. it may be (our, ours) dictionary. 2. he has not read a line of (your, yours). how can he criticize (your, yours) poems? 3. his composition is much more interesting than (your, yours) or (my, mine). 4. (their, theirs) knowledge of the subject is not superior to (our, ours). 5. i'm afraid they will take (her, hers) advice not (your, yours), 6. all (our, ours) clothes were extremely dirty, and (my, mine) especially so. 7. will you help me to sort out the things? i cannot tell which are (your, yours) and which are (my, mine). 8. this is (your, yours) noteook, but where is (my, mine)? 9. she got to (her, hers) feet and took (his, him) hand. 10. "let me see your passports," i gave him (my, mine) and catherine got (her, hers) out of (her, hers) handbag. ii. переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление вопросительных местоимений. 1. which of the two of them is right? 2. what are your intentions for the summer? 3. who would you like to see as your assistant? 4. whose turn is it now? 5. what are you talking about?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Our yours your yours mine their ours her yours our my yours mine your mine her his mine hers her кто из них прав каковы твои планы на лето кого бы вы хотели видеть в качестве своего чья очередь сейчас о чем ты говоришь

Technique, traditionally лишние слова? 1 artist2 ability3 creation4 portrait5 attentively6 art7 visitors

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