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1) the uk is the country(which/ who) i would like to visit 2) chinese? english and russian are the languages (who/that) are spoken by millions of people in the word 3)a winner is the person (which/who)has won a competition 4)lisa is the girl(which/that) you spoke to on the phone yesterday 5) alexander bell was the man( who/ which) invented the telephone 6) china, japan fnd mongolia are the countries( which/who) are situated in asia 7)do you know any lahguages(who/that) were invented by people? 8)it`s a cartoon( which/who) every child will enjoy

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1) which 2) that 3)who 4)which 5)who 6)which 7)that 8)which

Ябы хотел быть учителем. потому что я думаю то что это увлекательно учить детей в школе. делится с ними своим жизненным опытом.меня будут любить ученики, а я буду любить их. 

Популярно: Английский язык