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Выберите и обведите соответствующие служебные слова из данных в скобках . 1) after the rain , the path was not safe enough , and georgina wallked slowly holding on (for/to) the branches of the trees . 2)( at/in) the beginning of the story all the members of the crew are at war . 3) you have been thinking about it for several days . what's your decision (at/in) the end? 4) i'd like two seats (for/to) tomorrow , please . 5) i would like to buy a programme (from/at) the usher . 6) sam is a man (of/with) strong charater . 7) i introduced my friend (for/to) my grandmother . 8) tim had left (before/after) ann returned . the girl was surprised not to find him at home .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 to

2 at

3 in

4 for

5 from

6 of

7 to

8 before  

1.it was   a warm autumn and we enjoyed our stay in the country. 2.i shall always remember the summer when we met and i shall never forget   the evening when we parted .3.it was     late autumn when one afternoon i saw tom stuart walking along fifth avenue.4.it is going to be a long hard winter with frosty mornings and icy roads.5.endless days in   late summer are not like those short days in   midwinter .6. it was a real winter,cold and frosty.7.the temperature in   autumn,especially early autumn may be similar to the temperature in midspring .8.in the autumn of 1982 freddy met lady burton and they married the next spring .9.it is a hot summer .flowers are dying .10. england and france declared war on russia in the spring of 1854.

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