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Сcomplete the third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs. if you hadn't helped me, i wouldn't have finished on time.(not help,not finish) 1 if our best player injured.(win,not be) 2 if she he was so mean ,she him.(know,not go out) 3 i some money if you me. (lend, ask) 4 if we more time, we _another day in london .(have,spend) 5 i to help you if you me about it earlier.(be able, tell) 6 if me yesterday,i my plans. (ask, change) 7 you the weekend if you with us. (enjoy,come

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 we would have won if our best player hadn’t been injured.(win,not be)

2 if she had known he was so mean, she wouldn’t have gone out with him.(know,not go out)

3 i would have lent you some money if you had asked me. (lend, ask)

4 if we had had more time, we would have spent another day in london .(have,spend)

5 i would have been able to help you if you had told me about it earlier.(be able, tell)

6 if you had asked me yesterday, i would have changed my plans. (ask, change)

  7 you would have enjoyed the weekend if you had come with us. (enjoy,come


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