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Выберите правильную форму глагола в соответствии с последовательностью времен 1i knew my friend (were waiting, are waiting) for me. 2professor said that the law (had been, has been) discovered by the end of the 19th century. 3we were sure the new principles of higher education (wil be, would be) proclaimed in our country. 4the dean said that the group (had passed, passed) all exams successfully. 5the mechanical theory of heat states that heat (is,was) a form of energy 6the scientist informed the conference that they (have been studying, had been studying) the phenomenon for several years.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1are waiting 2 had been 3 would be 4 passed 5 was 6 have been studying

Simple active, simple passive, progressive active, perfect active, perfect passive. took -simple active   was taking -   progressive active   had taken-perfect active was done-  simple passive   was doing-progressive active   had been done -perfect passive. appears-simple active   is appearing -progressive active   has appeared; -perfect active are valued -simple passive  have been valued.-perfect passive.

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