04.10.2020 08:48
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20 ! повысили пенсии. в результате объём продаж мороженного изменился на 20%, а выручка производителей увеличилась с 400 тыс.рублей до 528 тыс.рублей. на сколько процентов изменилась цена мороженого? напишите решение .

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,4(17 оценок)

Может быть так, 528000-400000=128000 528000=100% 128000=? % 128000*100/528000=24%
4,6(72 оценок)

1what time do you usually wake up? at seven on weekdays at a quarter past eight on sundays, at half past seven in summer. 2 when the alarm clock rang i jumped in bed, swithed on the radio and started doing my morning exercise to music . 3 she does not live very far from her school. it takes her half an hour on foot and ten minutes if she goes by bus. 4 he prefers to go for a walk in the morning when the air is fresh. he never goes out on weekday evening and always has dinner at home. 5 i got up early in the morning and felt sleepy during the daytime, but whem my fiends left me in the evening i felt so excited that i could not fall asleep night.

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