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Стестом по ,всего 6 вопросов 1)this exercise is than that one. а)more difficult b)the most difficult c)the difficultest d)difficulter 2)i took a couple of aspirin, and an hour later i felt a)finer b)finely c)fine d)the finnest 3)the island is completely and can only be reached by helicopter. a)misinhabited b)uninhabited c)iminhabited d)proinhabited 4)a shorter, more meeting leaves time for work. a)production b)productivity c)productive d)productivenes 5)there is the table. a)anybody b)anything c)something d)nobody 6)her current interest was and development, but she has changed fields. a)research b)resistance c)residence d)reputation

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A,c,b,c,c, a нужно 30чимволов

I, like most school children, just adore summer. i'm not afraid of the summer heat. in my opinion, where better to escape from the heat, eating ice ice cream, swimming in the river and the sea. most of the summer i spent at home. i walked a lot, went to the city beaches and several times i went out with my friends to the forest. in bad weather, when i could not go for a walk, and for a raid, and even more so, i stayed at home and spent time reading books and watching movies. in general, this summer was wonderful, i regret only that it flew so quickly

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