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С2. are these sentences true or false? 1. you use a bridge to go across a river. 2. lots of people go shopping in factories. 3. towers are usually guite tall. 4. people buy and sell things at a market. 5. you often find skyscrapers in a village. 6. people didn't live in castles. 7. there are hundreds of trees in a forest. 8. you buy fruit and vegetables at the baker's.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) true 2) false 3) true (только должно быть quite) 4) true 5) false 6) false 7) true 8) false

Ачто именно сделать надо? перевести?

Iwant to tell about my sriends and their plans on sunday. i can, i with my friends will go walk. but if we are not able to walk, ther will sit to home,listen music oro watch tv. many of them will do their homework. 

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