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С. choose a word to fill a gap: a) i usually feel happy/happily when i meet my friends at school. b) my mother always looks angry/angrily when i get bad/badly marks. c) the freshly painted desks smelt bad/badly. d) we spent lucky/luckily days in new york. e) on the first day at school there was a pupil who seemed nice/nicely. f) a girl was singing cheerful/cheerfully on her way home. 2. complete the sentences with the appropriate question tags. a) he seldom does his homework on saturdays, …. ? b) you were at home yesterday, …. ? c) he isn’t adult, …. ? d) we do not want to go to the cinema, …? e) they will buy a new flat, … ? f) we have not watered the flowers, … ? 3. translate into english. a) найти выгодную покупку б) расплатиться чеком в) наличные деньги д) получить скидку е) местная денежная единица ж) деньги 4. complete the sentences with could, to be able to, managed to. 1) my sister… memorise long poems when she was 4 years old. 2) he … to save 1thousand dollars and went to a journey in paris. 3) …you … to do the splits? 5. put in the gaps: both of, neither of. 1) katya and irina have good marks. …. are excellent pupils. 2) are you looking for the two students from the 8th grade? …. is here. 3) are you coming this week? – i am coming next week and tom is coming next week too. ……. are coming next week. 6. put in the verbs in the correct form. 1) yesterday i … (be) in your zoo. 2) mike … already … (read) this book. 3) my sister … not … (speak) english. 4) there … (be) a lot of animals in the forest. 5) we … (do) this exercise. give us the next one. 6) i thought i … (lose) my book. 7) we …(play) football last year. 8) i … (look) for my report for half an hour 9) he … (go) to school every day. 10) the group of tourists … (visit) the houses of parliament tomorrow. 7. translate from english into russian. 1) wolfgang amadeus mozart was a child prodigy – he could play the piano when he was three and played for the public when he was four years old. 2) ekaterina markova first won fame as an actress before becoming a writer. 3) the police asked her to describe the two men.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. a. happy b. angry c. bad d. lucky e. nice f. cheerfully 2. a. doesn`t he? b. weren`t you? c. is he? d. do we? e. won`t they f. have we? 3. a. find a bargain b. pay by check c. cash d. get a discount e. local currency f. save money 4. 1. could 2. managed to 3. are you able to do the splits? 5. 1. both of them 2. neither  of them 3. both of us 6. 1. was 2. mike has already read this book. 3. my sister doesn`t speak english 4. there are a lot of animals in the forest. 5. we have done this exercise. give us the next one. 6. i thought i had lost my book. 7. we played football last year. 8. i have been looking for my report for half an hour 9. he goes to school every day. 10. the group of tourists will visit the houses of parliament tomorrow. 7. 1.вольфганг амадей моцарт был вундеркиндом уже в детстве, он мог играть на пианино, когда ему было всего три года, и играл для зрителей когда ему было четыре года. 2. екатерина маркова сначала добилась известности как актриса и лишь затем стала писательницей. 3. полиция попросила её описать тех двух человек.

Which of these things is Miss Havisham wearing? a wedding dress gloves a hat flowers a veil a watch sunglasses an expensive necklace a pair of shoes


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