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Выберите правильный вариант much / many 1 are there much / many spoons on the table ? 2 are there much / many flowers in the vase ? 3 are there much / many chairs in the room ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. many 2. many 3. many все слова исчисляемые, а с неисчисляемыми (food, rice, money и т.д.) было бы much

1 Where does Nathan work?

2 Where does he often go?

3 What does he find and study?

4 Where does he spend a lot of time?

5 Why do new viruses travel more easily?

6 What does he need for his work?

7 Do people have electricy in every part of the world?

8 How does Nathan communicate?

Популярно: Английский язык