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Первести clouds clouds of heaven, the eternal pilgrim. the azure steppe, chain, pearl rush you, like i, exiles with cute the north towards the south. who are you driving: the fate of a solution? envy you a secret? anger open eh? or you are inconvenienced by the crime? or friends slander poisonous? no, you are tired of barren you alien alien of passion and suffering; eternally cold, eternally free, you have no homeland, no you, exile.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Облакатучи небесные, вечные пилигримы.лазурной степи, цепи, жемчуграш ты, как и я, изгнанникс милого севера в сторону южную.кто же вас гонит: судьбы ли решение? завидую тебе секрет? гнев открыт, а? или вас тяготит преступление? или друзей клевета ядовитая? нет, вы устали от бесплодных чуждый чуждый страсти и страдания; вечно холодные, вечно свободные,у вас нет родины, нет вам изгнания.

1. What are you doing? - We are preparing breakfast. 2. His son is going to buy
new car. 3. Where is Jane? - She's in the kitchen. She is cooking dinner there. 4. Betti
at home? “No, she is not at home.” She has a music lesson right now. She always has lessons
music at this time. 5. What are you doing? - I'm talking on the phone. 6. This
the buyer pays in cash, and that buyer puts something in

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