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Напишите как читается это не перевод 1: what's your ambition hobby-my hobby is basketball 2: what did you do on sunday-on sunday lm resting 3: how tall are you-my heightis forty there 4: what sport do you play-i play baskettbal 5: what did you have for breakfast this morning-in the morong l drink teo and eat apple 6: what kind of pet do you have-i have a cat 7: how old is your sister brothers-my brothers are twenty-one years old and twenty-nine years old.8: what did you do during your holiday-during the holidays l rest

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Ответы на вопрос:

Первое второе третье четвертое пятое шестое седьмое что ты хочешь от меня в баскетболе,я же хорошо играю

What is comfortable? is our classrom comfortable? whose classroom comfortable?

Популярно: Английский язык