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Completethe text..use.tradition,english,grammar,meet,crative,marks.answered self regulationdayisagoodtraditioninourschool.thisyeartwostudentsfromgrade10,pavel and masha,gave an english lesson to grade 5.the younger students were happy to new teachers.pavel and masha are responsible and was an unusual lesson.the younger students travelled to ''wonderland''.during the journey they worked hard: asked questions,did the puzzles and learnt new words.they didn't learn rules and writer tests.all the students got good and masha enjoyed

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Ответы на вопрос:

Meet, creative, answered, grammar, marks, english

1. jane won't eat this pizza. she is on a diet - джейн не будет есть эту пиццу.она на диете. 2. ann won't write this test. she is not at school today - анна не напишет этот тест. её сегодня нет в школе. 3. it will be sunny tomorrow. we can have a picnic - завтра будет солнечно. мы можем устроить пикник. 4. it won't be snowy next week. oh, no! i want to ski - на следующей неделе не будет снега. о нет. я хотел кататься на лыжах. 5. i shan't go for a walk. it's very windy - я не пойду гулять. ветрено. 6. i shall wear a jacket.i snan't get wet - я одену куртку. я не промокну. 7. you wiil get a good mark. you know mathematics very well - ты получишь хорошую отметку. ты хорошо знаешь

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