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Перевести на предложения: он всегда опаздывает на автобус. петров отсутствует на уроке сегодня. моя сестра боится пауков. они счастливы в месте. этот политик популярен среди людей.

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Ответы на вопрос:

He is always late for the bus. petrov is absent from the lesson today. my sister is very afraid of spiders. they are happy in the place. this politician is popular

1. i have had diet for half a year. now i look great. 2. i have used to hand cream for a month. my skin is smooth now. 3. i have taken part in running since i was 5. 4. i have been studying at school for two months. 5. he has to have repaired his car for 2 weeks.

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