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Everyone loves and values ​​his home and his family. after all, the house is considered its own fortress, where you can hide from any life problems, and people who live in it, who will always understand and support in a difficult moment - this is the family. and her role for everyone of us is enormous. after all, with the family all the first sensations and ideas of a person are connected, when he only begins to realize the surrounding world. and later in the family, such human concepts as love and care are formed in the family. no wonder the family is called the center of society, a small homeland. it forms a human personality, an individual's education takes place. therefore, usually from what the person had a family depends on and what he became.

When we came to a clearing, there were already a stall. this stall is ideal for our campaign. the red stall stands out against a background of green forest. today, they will learn how to put up a stall.

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