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Iv.for the word combinations given in (a) find the english equivalents in (b). a) 1. пока что; 2. несмотря на; 3. на самом деле; 4. ; 5. то есть; 6. между прочим; 7. в результате; 8. по крайней мере; 9. вместо; 10. более или менее; 11. в свою очередь; 12. рассматриваемый b) 1. at least; 2. as a matter of fact; 3. that is to say; 4. in one's turn; 5. in question; 6. so far; 7. instead of; 8. more or less; 9. in spite of; 10. thanks to; 11. as a result; 12. by the way

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1) 6 2) 12 3) 2 4) 10 5) 5 6) 9 7)11 8) 1 9) 7 10) 8 11) 4 12) 3

1. the queen likes to read detective stories by agatha christie2 as a child, the  queen  was called "lilibet" as her full name she could not pronounce her full name  3 the queen begins each her day with a cup of tea at 7: 30 in the morning.4  the queen takes a keen interest in scottish country dancing.5 the queen has made her  first flight in  1945.6 the queen received ipad as a gift from president barack obama in 2009. 7 the queen met with five astronauts at buckingham palace 8 the queen keeps  coupons from her wedding dress.

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