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Образуй наречия от данных прилагательных. happy - careful - correct - fast - good - hard - neat - polite - proper - wise - regular -

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Happy - happily careful - carefully correct - correctly fast - fast good - well hard - hard neat - neatly polite - politely proper - properly wise - wisely regular - regularly

1. happily 2. carefully 3. correctly 4. fast 5. well 6. hard 7. neatly 8. politely 9. properly 10. wisely 11. regulary

William shakespeare was born in 1564 on 23 april to john and mary. william married early, at the age of 18. soddenly he left stratford for london. in those days theatre was is very popular entertainment. many people watched all kinds of plays which traveling theatre groups in the streets. there several theaters or playhouses. here shakespeare started his acting career and began to write plays. william never acted on the stage.

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