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Определите видовременные формы глаголов. укажите их инфинитив и переведите предложения на язык. a)cate’s wish was to study at the sorbonne in paris. b)victor devotes a great deal of time to reading. c)the creeds will have a party next sunday.

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A) cate’s wish was (past simp - be) to study (infinitive - study) at the sorbonne in paris.
 b) victor devotes (pres simp - devote) a great deal of time to reading.
 c) the creeds will have (future simp - have) a party next sunday. a) желание кейта состояло в том, чтобы учиться в сорбонне в париже.б) виктор посвящает много времени чтению.c) в следующее воскресенье у кридов будет вечеринка.

Дом купца фонарева  3.35 km from city centre the house was built in the mid-nineteenth century. in this time the tsar nicholas i in 1846. new approved architectural project of building of kuznetsk. up from the marketplace, formed a street waterfall. a new street was built up mainly merchant houses. they were neat two-story i. one of these houses survived to our time. it is a two-storey building, the lower floor of which was stone and the upper of wood.

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