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1.ask all types of questions to this sentence: jill has visited us many times. 2.answer the questions: 1. have you ever travelled abroad? 2. have you ever lived in a foreign country? 3. have you ever met a native speaker of english? 4. have you ever been to an english speaking country? 5. have you ever listened to english or american pop music? 6. have you ever seen an english or american film? 7. have you ever read an english newspaper or magazine? yes, i have, no, i haven’t, yes, very often, no. never. 6. translate the letter, using following verbs: to be-been, to see- seen, to send-sent, to buy-bought, to take-taken, to meet-met, to visit-visited дорогая татьяна петровна! я уже побывала в лондоне и оксфорде. я посетила национальную галерею и музей науки. я видела биг бен. я купила несколько учебников языка. я сделала много фо тографий. я отослала пять открыток своим друзьям. я встретила много друзей в лондоне. с наилучшими пожеланиями, таня. dear, tatiana petrovna, i have already been to london and oxford. i’ve visited the national gallery and the museum of science. i’ve seen big ben. i’ve bought several english textbooks. i’ve taken many photographs. i’ve sent five postcards to my friends. i’ve met many interesting people in london. with best wishes, tanya.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.ask all types of questions to this sentence: jill has visited us many times. how many times has jill vesit us? whom has jill  vesit many times? who has visited us  many times? 2.answer the questions: 1.  yes, i have 2.  no, i haven’t 3.  yes, i have 4.  no, i haven’t 5.  yes, very often 6.  yes, very often 7.  no. never.

1) in summer the sun shines brightly2)she is in the kitchen.she is makin g  tea for us3) i'm looking at    that tree in the garden

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