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1. he felt a … of air 2. the word “secure” is an anagram of “” 3. … is the mainspring of their economy 4. the … dominates the city 5. both the boys … the army 6. our records … from the fire. 7. monkeys are good 8. i'm getting the bus home — my car's in for a 9. i am entirely at your 10. the … was just part of their act. 11. there's not much meat in this 12. the country has low … productivity. 13. the … dropped to his death. 14. the queen … in her eighties. 15. the sword in a knight’s chest 16. rina is a frequent to the city. 17. the … leads down to the river. 18. she was in french when she was five. 19. she fell and slightly her arm. 20. he covered the matter in a statement. 21. here again are today's headlines 22. she speaks quite but she's weak on grammar. 23. the guards checked my … 24. it took us ages to get through control 25. let's keep this conversation ; i have a plane to catch 26. grandpa badly … in the war

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1) you have been writing 2) i haven't had any 3) yolanda hasn't passed her french exam 4) have you ever 5) i have been waiting for an 6) das's been cleaning his car 7)our next door neighbour has just lost his job. 8) that's the first time i've enjoyed a math lesson.

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