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Надо! i (1 be) in year 9 at college in sale. one day at the lesson of science we (2 make) an experiment called down the drain. we (3 have) a tub of water, and we (4 put) in it all the different substances that pollute our water. it ( 5 be) horrifying to see how bad the state of the water was once we (6 finish). in our next lesson we (7 put) our polluted water through a simulated water cycle; when the water (8 come out) the other end it (9 be) clean and pure, but we (1 0 learn) that all the water can never be made reusable. this experiment (1 1 be) a great one, and the teachers (12) (should, to congratulate) on giving us such n great opportunity to learn during this unit about pollution, global warming, climate change and the creation of our earth; i (1 3 think) more young children (1 4 , to give) this opportunity as we are the future and wi thout the knowledge of what is wrong we can do nothing to change it.

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I(1 ) was in year 9 at college in sale. one day at the lesson of science we (2 ) an experiment called down the drain. we (3 ) a tub of water, and we (4 ) in it all the different substances that pollute our water. it ( 5 ) horrifying to see how bad the state of the water was once we (6 finished). in our next lesson we (7 ) our polluted water through a simulated water cycle; when the water (8 coming out) the other end it (9 ) clean and pure, but we (1 0 ) that all the water can never be made reusable. this experiment (1 1 ) a great one, and the teachers (12) (should be congratulated) on giving us such a great opportunity to learn during this unit about pollution, global warming, climate change and the creation of our earth; i (1 3 think) more young children (1 4 be given) this opportunity as we are the future and without the knowledge of what is wrong we can do nothing to change it.

Перепишите предложения, определите видо-временные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив,

1. The weather changed (past simp) yesterday. - change

2. The farmers will harvest (fut simp) crops in time. - harvest

3. Farm machinery has changed (pres perf) life and work on our farm. change

4. Now I am reading (pres cont) a very interesting book about London. read

5. Today it is (pres simp) not so cold as it was (past simp) yesterday. be

переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Вчера погода изменилась.

2. Фермеры вовремя соберут урожай.

3. Сельскохозяйственная техника изменила жизнь и работу на нашей ферме.

4. Сейчас я читаю очень интересную книгу о Лондоне.

5. Сегодня уже не так холодно, как было вчера.

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