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Как правильно перевести предложения (условное 1 типа)? : если я стану учёным, то мне нужно просторное помещение, где я буду работать. современная чистая аппаратура, тишина, чистота. наука не терпит грязи и погрешностей.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ответ: if i become a scientist,then i need a spacious room where i will work. modern clean equipment , silence, cleanliness.science does not tolerate dirt and inaccuracies.

If i become a scientist i will need a spacious room where i will work, modern clean equipment, quietness and cleanness. science does not stand mud and errors.

She is going to buy (some) onions
she is going to buy (some)meat
she isn’t going to buy a pizza
she is going to buy a chicken
she is going to buy (some) bread
she isn’t going to buy (any)eggs
she isn’t going to buy (any) potatoes
то что в скобочках не обязательно писать

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