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Напишите 4 предложения с hand, back, hand in, hand out, hand over.

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Hand back this book to john? please please hand in your tast in monday could you please hand out these pen to everybody wait, i hand out the newspapers over

People often look at the sky and think about space, voobschazhaya yourself as a cosmonaut, exploring the boundless space. what all this space? simply put a huge space. the word "space" is translated from greek as "peace", "the universe." all of our solar system is only a small part of the space. everything that happens in space affect the objects that are in it, and that for each of us. space can not please the eye when you look at the cloudless sky, thinking about what there is and what is not. how many planets as galaxies keeps a he. and because our planet is nothing in comparison with the space. it remains only to plunge into the world of astronomy, in order to get acquainted with the space

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