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Заранее . correct the sentences to make them true. don’t wear a seat belt when you are in the car! run onto the road to cross it quickly! talk to the driver, when in the bus! don’t walk on the pavement! walk on the road! don’t look both ways before crossing!

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1) убрать don’t 2)don’t run onto the road to cross it quickly 3)don’t talk to the driver, when in the bus! 4)walk on the pavement! don’t walk on the road! 5)убрать don’t

in the city and in the country has its pluses and minuses.for example, in the village of pluses: the air better, cleaner, less transport, more nature, silence, tranquility. cons: alienation from society, from a diverse and interesting life, which is in the city, in a small village problems with transport service (no stores, pharmacies), all know each other, so there is no sense of freedom.in the city of pluses: a variety of options in terms of career, new useful contacts, personal relationships, service, movement, a sense of freedom and independence. minus: the constant bustle, noise, ecology (air) is worse than in the village.in general, the ideal way is better to live in the city, and periodically go to the village to mentally relax from everyday problems and troubles. 

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