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Ghost story на сочинение ну типо я была с моей подругой в лагере шел дождь мы зашли в старинный замок и увилили ужасную фигуру женщины с отрубленной головой описание ее вида и дальше мы рассказали,но нам не поверили,но когда мы нашли статью то они поверили нам

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With my girlfriend in the camp it was raining, we went into an old castle and evaded the terrible figure of a woman with a severed head description of her kind and further we told, but we were not believed, but when we found the article, they believed us

In 20  of  may, 1954, the government adopted a decree on the development of the first missile (icbm). to do this instructed sergei korolev samara enterprise "tsskb-progress". february 17, 1959 from the landfill baikonur successfully launched the series "seven". on this same rocket was the first manned flight into space. today samara is one of the leaders of the aerospace industry in the country. it employs hundreds of thousands of people, attended dozens of enterprises of city and region.in  12 of  april 1961 the voice of levitan said of humanity the conclusion of the spacecraft with a man on board into orbit. the world stood in awe and then exploded with joy. yuri gagarin became a symbol of the victory of the human mind.all kuibyshev (samara residents) knew that after landing, the first cosmonaut of the earth in the saratov region, the aircraft flew with him to the airfield of the plant "progress", and gagarin before the flight to moscow kept in the city of samara on the 1st clearing to the guest house.actually, not somewhere, and on the samara earth, went to baikonur 2 of the first stage of the carrier rocket "r-7". pride? she came when on 12 april 1961, on television, they saw the start of "seven" and the smiling face of yuri gagarin. and not with just anybody but with "progressframe" after landing, having arrived in kuibyshev, met first in the history of mankind cosmonaut yuri gagarin.in this capsule, manufactured at the plant "progress" landed yuri gagarin.for the entire period of existence of the plant "progress" went into space 1600 rockets and spacecraft 800.2003-present general director "tsskb-progress" a. n. kirilin, who was born 13 july 1950. in the village of chernorech'e in the volga area of kuibyshev region.the staff of the factory tsskb "progress" in the postwar period.  april 12, 2007, in the year of the 45th anniversary of the samara space engineering held the official opening of the museum "cosmic samara". the museum has become an integral part of urban and regional tour routes.view of samara and its surrounding area from space.

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