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Написать комментарий к этому письму(желательно на ): мне 17 лет и живой в harlescott, стрюсбери. в моей области нет ничего для молодых людей, чтобы сделать. люди часто жалуются на «yobs», висящий вокруг на углах улиц, доставляющих неприятности особенно во время летних каникул. я только что считал шропширский молодежный веб-сайт и есть только шесть результатов для вещей сделать в моей области, и только два из них во время holiays. я думаю, что у молодых людей должно быть больше мнения в том, что происходит, больше денег должно быть помещено в действия в конце концов молодых людей, мы - будущее страны. я был бы точно так же, как все члены совета и власти к think: if вы помещаете деньги в действия для молодых людей будет меньше вандализма, и меньше молодых людей попадет в беду с полицией, таким образом, это была бы полная .

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I'm 17 and live in harlescott, strasberi. in my area there is nothing for young people to do. people often complain of "yobs" hanging around on street corners causing trouble-especially during summer holidays. i just thought shropshire youth website and there are only six results for things to do in my area, and only two of them during the holiays. i think that young people should be more opinions in what happens, more money should be put into action in the end young people, we are the future of the country. i would be exactly the same as all members of the council and the authorities to think: if you put the money into action for young people will be less vandalism and fewer young people get into trouble with the police, so it would be a complete saving.

michael jeffrey jordan, popular american basketball star, was born on 17 february, 1963 in brooklyn.  from childhood michael loved the sport, but his first passion was baseball.   he received a basketball scholarship from the university of north carolina, and they chose him for the first team stars. this was the beginning of his path of success and achievements. he joined the national basketball association, won the title of player of the year in 1984.

his excellent performance in sport allowed him to dominate in the nba and he was selected to play for the chicago bulls. his success allowed him to reach stellar heights and he was recognized as the most valuable player of the national basketball association.jordan was included in the basketball team usa for the olympic games in 1984 year in los angeles, where the team won gold. he also helped the team to win gold at the 1992 olympics, held in barcelona.

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