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Переведите этот текст на язык! 25 декабря 2017 года в санкт-петербурге начала работать почта деда мороза. отправить пистмо можно, опустив его в специальный ящик. письма будут приниматься до 25 декабря. на конверте надо указать правильно адрес: 162340, россия, вологодская область, город великий устюг, почта деда мороза и наклеить марку. я обрадовалась этой новости. обязательно напишу письмо деду морозу!

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Ответы на вопрос:

In 25 december in  st. petersburg  santas mail started work.you could sent you mail,putting it in a special box.the letters will be accepted until december 25. on the envelope it is necessary to specify the correct address: 162340, russia, vologda region, veliky ustyug city, father frost mail and paste the stamp. i was very happy about this news. be sure to write a letter to santa claus!

25 december 2017 in st. petersburg started to work mail santa claus. send pismo can, dropping it in a special box. letters will be accepted until december 25. on the envelope it is necessary to specify the correct address: 162340, russia, vologda oblast, veliky ustyug, mail santa claus and stick a stamp. i was very glad of this news. be sure to write a letter to santa claus!

1. andrew (watches) some educational programmes in english. 2. this team (plays) like a champion. 3. parson (catches) the ball and (passes) to roberts. 4. the seminar (finishes) at 12: 00. 5. emma (dreams) at the lesson. 6. ivan (leaves) school next year. 7. i le (grabs) his bag and (rushes) to the bus stop. 8. i often (forget) my lunchbox at home. 9. my group mates (say) that 1 (dress) fashionably.

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