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Перевести: 1. она , что сколько она знала своего мужа, он всегда был трудоголиком. 2. оксана знала стихотворение наизусть, так как мать научила ее много лет назад. и все это время оно было у нее в памяти (to stay in the mind). 3. было ясно, что у мамы не было ни минуты отдыха, с тех пор как мы взяли двух щенков и кошку. 4. ей было жаль, что она много лет не была в городе, в котором родилась. 5. он выглядел как человек, который только что получил миллион долларов.

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Ответы на вопрос:

She was very sorry that she had not been in the city in which she was born for many years. she complained that how much she knew her husband, he was always a workaholic. oksana knew the poem by heart, since her mother had taught her many years ago. and all this time it was in her memory it was clear that mom did not have a moment of rest, since we took two puppies and a cat. she was very sorry that she had not been in the city in which she was born for many years he looked like a man who had just received a million dollars.

Do your perents know english?

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