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Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в past simple или past continuous. something fantastic () last week! while i ( (come) home from volleyball practice last monday, i ( (see) something very strange. my friends, dana and ben and i ( (walk) down the street and we ( (talk) about our volleyball game, when we ( (hear) a small noise. we ( (start) looking to see where it ( (come) from but we couldn`t see anything. as we ( (look), dana noticed a small, white cat. it ( (cry) and it looked hungry. i ( (decide) to take it home with me and give it some food. when i ( (arrive) home, my mother ( (cook) lunch. so i took the kitten to my room without telling her anything. later, when she saw the kitten, she ( (not/be) happy at first, but finally she let me keep her. now, we call her snowy and she sleeps in my room!

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1)happened 2) was coming 3)saw 4) walked 5)talked 6)were hearing 7)started 8)was coming 9)looked 10)cryed 11)decided 12) arrived 13) was cooking 14) wasn't being

Каким будет будущее трудно предугадать. писатели-фантасты по-разному описывают будущее. но в большинстве случаев они сходны в одном: в обществе людей появятся роботы, у которых будет искусственный интеллект, и люди начнут переселяться на другие планеты. возможно, так оно и будет. ведь когда-то люди думали, что земля плоская, но когда стали бороздить просторы океана и открывать материки, то поняли, что дела обстоит совсем по-другому.   what will the future is difficult to predict. science fiction writers variously describe future. but in most cases they are similar in one: a society of people will robots, which will have artificial intelligence, and people will start to migrate to other planets. perhaps it will be so. after all, when some people thought that the earth is flat, but when they began to surf the open ocean and continents, we realized that the situation is quite different 

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