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1.where is chair? sveta,sveta's,svetas' an officer or an engineer? does,can,is. want to be an officer or an engineer? does,can,is.4.my grannycan..bread.make,to make,makes.5. bread? she is,is she,does she.6. is,is she,does she.7. good swimmer. isn't,doesn't,can't.8.his go to africa.wants,want,to want.9.the the classroom.isn't,can't,doesn't.10.the the classroom.isn't,hasn't,doesn't

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1sveta's 2 is 3 is 4 makes 5 she is 6 does she

1b 2c 3a 4a 5c 6b 7a

His sister became a  doctorартикль "а" обычно ставится перед профессиями : )

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