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Complete the conversations. 1.who are you writing go? 2.what do you do? a-my aunt in australia. a-i'm doing my homework. b-i never write letters. b-i'm a disc jockey. c-i like sending emails. c-i'm going to bed. 3.what are you doing? 4.what sort of food do you eat? a-i'm in the bath. a-i'm eating chicken and salad. b-i'm a mechanic b-a banana. c-i study animals. c-i like vegetarian food. 5.what are you reading? a-mgazines,usually. b-i read history books. c-a book abouy the internet. 20

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.who are you writing go?   i never write letters. 2.what do you do?       i'm a disc jockey. 3.what are you doing?     i'm eating chicken and salad. 4.what sort of food do you eat?       i like vegetarian food.5.what are you reading    ? a book abouy the internet.

Task 1.

1. The child was sleeping at that moment.

2. Nina was having a lecture at 5 o’clock.

3. The family was sitting at the table and having dinner at 8 o’clock in the evening.

4. What were you doing at midnight?

5. The girl was looking for her notebook all morning.

6. The students were preparing for their exams all day long.

7. It was snowing hard all day yesterday.

Task 2.

1. I will be waiting on the corner for you at the usual time tomorrow morning.

2. It probably will be raining when you get back.

3. If you come before six, I will be working in my garden.

4. At this time tomorrow afternoon, I will be taking my final English examination.

5. If we go there now, they will be having dinner. But if we go later, they will be watching television.

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